Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lost not Found...

Damn I'm so stuck!!!

Living in Joburg is a nightmare! Don't get me wrong i love the city life but it doesn't allow me to be "green" in more ways then one!!!

I'm on a mission to find "green" clothing........so the organic way is where to go, so i've searched and searched and all i could find was a organic market in Bryanstan and one place in Meyerton that sells Hemp material (which is kinda funny because Meyerton was where i went to Primary School....I was actually head girl there, Weird huh!) Oh and 2 designers that are in Fourways...Fundudzi and Lunar.

So basically my options are wear hemp outfits that are handmade, pay a fortune for a South African designer to cover my butt or dress like a hippie from the flea market! ARG:(

I mean this is ridiculous that the only options out there in South Africa is not here in Joburg! Things must change...What a animal and earth fighting girl to do?

Ok so enough complaining, what i did find that i'm uber excited about is a whole store that is fulled only with Vegan friendly products! F.Y.I a product is classified as "vegan"  when it has no products of an animal in it, nor has it been tested on animals for the last 5 yrs and will not follow to test on animals.

Then there are products that are organic which will only be classified as that with certain ingrediants (if you may call it that)being checked....check on my blog for the list.

Through out this whole search it's surprising that  as consumers we don't realize how much poo we are getting instead of a decent product that we are promised!

Any who i'm super excited about this store...you have to buy it online ofcourse unless you want to travel FAR in order to get your vegan friendly underarm roll on. But the cool thing is that if you don't have a credit card you can just go and deposit the money into their account!

I'll definatly keep you up to date with the purchasing of the product there, infact i'll even let you know about the products i buy...

*JUST FOR THE GIRLS* Did you know that tampons and pads have chemicals in it to make it super white and that those chemicals slowly get released into your body!!! I totally freaked when i heard this, Alicia Silverstone even commented. Well thats what started my search and now i've found at that store FAITHFULL TO NATURE they have organic cotton applicator and non tampons plus winged an non winged pads, cool huh.

So to check out this store go to: http://www.faithful-to-nature.co.za/



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