Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pushing the Passion....

This weekend that just passed, my boyfriend and i had our first house warming...

I served this punch and everybody loved it...i really mean loved it, two punch bowls later and 9 people still going.

Not only did i make my friends take off their shoes at the door (which is not a custom in South Africa) but i also made them stick to the rule of "If it's yellow let it mellow and if it's brown flush it down".

Ok so they may have thought i was mad but my boyfriend and i like to save water as i said to them, it's a precious resource and if we flushed each time everyone someone went think about how much water we would waste, plus keep in mind the punch quota.

As for the shoes, i'm not obsest with the clean house sinario but i do feel that my house is a home and that in order to walk around with a group of people with no shoes on, it kind of creates a pleasent harmonic feeling all round.

We played shirades which involved alot of strange guessing and damn i minds wondered...definatley was the punch.

So i gave everyone a letter that included a few pics and information about animal testing...and i was so nervous that they wouldn't be responsive!

But WOOHOO they were so in on it...they even said that they would each show one person, that means that in one night i already informed 18 people about animal testing and the companys that test!!!

I really hope this goes far....it's my new found passion to help out the animals that are getting tested on! I want to give them a voice...

It's so strange, it's like i woke up one day and just got sickend by whats going on...i now have changed all my products in the house with others tha don't test on animals(and damn was that hard, South Africa doesn't really have a huge Organic, non testing variety)

The site that i found all the details is http://search.caringconsumer.com/

I did write up the ones only that are avaliable in South Africa ....how ever since this blog reaches people from all over the world i figured that it would be better to give the web address.

I want to do more by helping but i'm stuck with idea's as a part time South African against animal testing jobs...If any one knows of anything, please can you let me know.

-Day one's search complete-


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