Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The start of a new week...

Hi all

I'm really sorry that this post hasn't been up, my computer has been freaking out and i'm not sure what day this will be posted on - my apologies in advance.

Well we've had some crazy topics last week! From animal testing all the way to weird meat eating concepts.

But today I'm going to leave us all on a happy note as per usual....it's always great to start the week on a smiley thought...when it comes to animal abuse it's all doom and gloom and rightfully so, but sometimes an activist just needs a breath of fresh air to push further.

So lets talk about something breezy :)

The anaconda is the largest snake and can reach up to 10metres


B -
A bird only naps in it's nest but sleeps somewhere else.

C -
A cheetah is the fastest animal on earth and can run up to 95km/h, it cannot roar but it does purr

D -
Their are 700 different types of pure bred dogs, and they are not actually colour blind but rather see
things in twilight, they are also right handed.

E -
All elephants are very emotional they can cry, laugh and even remember elephants they haven't seen in 
ages., When a family member dies they morn and then cover them with branches,when a baby elephant
cry the entire family runs over to it.

F -
Frogs drink through their skin and need it moist all the time, sometimes they shed their skin and even eat it ( gross)

G -
Giraffes have thought to be mute but in fact they communicate by low key groans which a human cannot hear. Tick birds are giraffes friends they sit on their back and eat the pesky insects in return for their food they alert the giraffe when there is a predator near by.

H -
Horses have feathers...they are on the back of their lower legs and help drain water away from their hooves.

I -
Iguana's have brilliant defense mechanisms and a green iguana is also called a Bamboo chicken (hehe)

J -
Jaguars have the strongest jaw out of all cats and are extremely heavy, they like to go fishing by using there tail in the water to attract fish.

K -
Only 3 Kangaroo's can move their feet independently the other have to hop on both feet.

L -
A male lions raw can be heard up to 5 miles away.Lions don't eat all their kill they leave some for the hyena's and birds, the male lion eats first even though the female lion catches the prey.

M -
Monkeys use there tails as hand and can sing and hang on to tree's easily with them ( plus they cute :)

N -
Numbats have sticky tongues and only eat ants.

O -
Ostriches lay the biggest egg in the world and is the equivalent of 12 eggs.

P -
Except for the opossum and the kangaroo the panda has the smallest mammal new born.

Q -
Quails nests are on the ground in vegetation and they can lay up to 12-15 eggs per clutch

R -
Rabbits aren't rodents and can live up to 8-14 yrs.Rabbits teeth grow up till the day they die and their ears regulate their temperature.

S -
Seals can dive to about 100feet under water and can stay there for 30min. They have more blood for their size than any other land mammal. A seals milk is 45-50% fat.

T -
Tigers can communicate at all different levels and even have a frequency that no human can hear , these frequency's can travel for long distances and can even go through buildings!

U -
A Uriel is a type of sheep

V -
Vulture have one mate per year, and build nests that they use for several years.

W -
Wolves jaws have twice the strength of a dogs, they are also very sociable and can live with in their pack sometimes forever.

X -
Xenop's is a beautiful bird that lives in South America

Y -
Yaks are found in Tibet and apart from their size they can climb and swim all in the cold icy weather.

Z -
No zebra's strips are the same and most of the changes are in their shoulder areas.Their stripes help when prey attack as the prey cannot focus on one individual.

YAY, now aren't these thoughts happy ones?

Feel the smileys.

And have a GREAT weekend.

Kindness and Hope

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