Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Screaming seals...

I got a chilling feeling when a subject was brought up about seal clubbing...i have never really put much thought into it, i knew it existed but somehow i have never put it at the top of my list for (Fight for Freedom)....that lack of administration is what gave the ice rink coldness feeling.

It's a very popular subject when it comes to discussing animal cruelty in Canada ( N.B. One of my favourite country's ) Canadian seal clubbing  - and no it's not the flashing lights, smoke machine and latest shake what your mama gave ya music club - it's VERY VERY graphic, they basically do it for the seals skins, skins make shoes and a whole lot of ( Yay, these are so cool, i don't mind being ignorant about who was killed in order for me to get them, no, lets wear them to my BFF's party ).

Now we all may start singing South Parks "BLAME CANADA" song but the fact of the matter is, it's not just the maple freaks...it's in Africa too....yup, now who looks like a tosser?

NAMIBIA!!!!! They are culling ( nice word for an animal massacre ) more seals than Canadians. On the first of July....wait for it...85000 pups ( lil seal, babys) and 6000 bulls ( daddy seals ) will be beaten to death, but don't stress it happens every year so it's basically nothing out of the usual.....WTF.....

And you know the best thing about this is usually all types of company's preform all types of animal cruelty in this world, but we have one man and one alone....a name...an email address....someone that IS the problem. Feel free to let him have a peace of your mind....that's a nice way of saying...

“Hatem Yavuz Deri” from Sydney and apparently also have offices in Turkey, Russia and South Africa. Here is his e-mail address:

E-mail : hatemyavuz@superonline.com

Hatem is a unstable mentally disturbed piece of poo that needs to be taken far, far away so that he cannot do any harm to anyone or anything...I'm thinking we should give Harry Potter a call and have Hatem taken to Azkaban...mmm now that's a thought ( pondering).

Just a lil info on Hatem, he wears a necklace that is made from the teeth of a white whale he killed...sicko!
And he is apparently considered as an animal lover because of his clever thought of how to help seals by saying - " In order for them to feel less pain, they need to be killed with a club that has a nail in it."
WOW, what a trooper! ( note the sarcasm )

At the end of the day, killing thousands of animals and breaking thousands of family bonds makes you a killer...and i don't like animal cruelty at all (duh) so this is now going to be one of my top concerns.
I mean baby cubs get so scared when the men come to kill them that they throw up there mothers milk!


Big breath...

So do your part say something! Do something! Anything!......because we as animal lovers must give a voice to the unheard thoughts.

Have a great night and try and have a pleasant sleep...

Kindness and Hope


  1. One hitman will do the job..
    hatem yavuz skinned alive, he must learn.
    Where can I donate?
    Cheers from Holland, Ronald

  2. Hi Roland

    I'm so amped that you agree!!It's awesome to see a person agree with you.

    Funny enough, a group in my country called Fur Free SA is currently doing a whole "Save the Seals " campaign, they even had our celebs deal with the press recently.

    I don't deal with donations, i'm literally here just to tell who eve5r wants to listen as to what is going on in the world of animal activisim.

    However here's the e-mail address of the founder of Fur Free SA...she will definatley help when it comes down to donations...tell her that - Kelly from Spread the Word gave you her e-mail address - it'll help alot so she understands why you have her e-mail address.

    - Britsajv@unisa.ac.za -

    I hope this helps :)

    Get hold of me if you need any thing.

    BTW - I've been to holland but only very briefly so i feel that it doesn't really count, plus the time that i spent there was mainly in Amsterdam.

    Thanks for the comment.

    Kindness and Hope
