Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Find me, Find me!!!

Hi all

I found out the most coolest thing ever!!! EEk I'm so excited...maybe you won't be impressed but i sure was.

If you thought that we had discovered all the animals in the world, well then my lil friend your ignorance was not bliss, it was a pair of Raine's holding your horsey butt back from the world of OOHH's and AAHH's. We still to this day discover new species of animals! Isn't that cool? It's like we are in the days where country's were being discovered, flash backs of sailing the sea's in search for land - ( Except in our case it's animals and we can fly there :) It's still cool anyway.

AH, the thought of the unknown! ( staring into the distance, dramatically thinking of this subject )

Well in 2010 they found lots of new lil animals but the one i want to tell you about is by far the coolest thing i have ever seen!

TADA...(unveiling of the coolness)

This lil froggie ( no my feeling towards these yukky creatures have still not changed, but i am intrigued, not so much that i would actually touch it ) has no pigmentation, so basically you can see right through him, you can see his heart pump and all his organs function. You can see all of his organs - yes, I'm repeating myself but OMG, i can't get over it.


You gotta wonder who decided to make a see-through froggie...to me i feel like this frog has been given something a lot of animals wish they could have, a type of "charades game" voice...he may not be able to speak but you can tell alot about what he is going through just by looking at him, he's telling you something, even if it is only via science.

Lucky lil thing...and how bizarre is it that with in the whole time the world we know has been about not once has anybody seen this type of frog...and only in 2010 ( where technology is so advanced ) did they discover him, that's stupid really. We can do so much, work on computers, play games that work by our movement, do open heart surgery, damn i can go on with this list forever...but not once did we see a see-through frog?

I really feel that this just proves that we haven't learnt everything there is to know about animals and that we should actually take the time to acknowledge their existence and try to understand them as they are just as apart of this world as we are and in fact with out them we couldn't really survive. We need to work hand in hand with them as they might lead us to alot more discoveries...i know it's hard to believe but probably beyond xbox..hehe.

The only catch when it comes to the life of this frog is that it lives in the rain forests in Central and South America..and you know the life span of the rain forests there...day by day it gets worse!

So my Friday message is - take a look at the animals in this world because they can teach you alot and who knows maybe if you give them a chance they could tell you alot about yourself,....just by looking through you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kindness and Hope...esp to the see through froggie....SOOO COOOL


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