Hi everyone

To explain my page...

It is fulled with information that i have found, that i feel should be heard, hense the reason for me making a blog!

I've also included some information about myself and i will be sharing with you some of my topics of discussion just so that you know where i am coming from.

I have created this blog to tell people about things that i feel should be shared...I'm trying to spread the word!

Let's be informed,to inform.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Excuses to kill.

Hi all

Happy Monday :) 
I hate it when people around me say,"Arg, i hate Mondays cause it means i have to get back to work and bla, bla, bla " It causes negative energy as far as I'm concerned...the only reason why Monday is SH 1 T is because everyone is moody and sad....and so it spreads...well I'm kinda biased, because i HATE negativeve energy, it's catchy and poo. Nobody likes feeling down,so keep it to your self!

WOW, now that, that is off my chest...onto the important stuff...

Has anyone of you had a friend that is a game ranger, or maybe even knows someone that is obsessed with wild life - hey, it may even be yourself!....If you have I'm sure somewhere along the line you've heard of wildlife over population. It's a strange topic...once i got into an argument ( more like a disagreement that started going a little bit over board ) with this ickey brunette ( she was reallllyy ichy )she was saying that it is of utmost importance that lil bos manetjies go and kill some of the game in order for the other animals to have food and survive...W.T.F....why on earth she thought that i as a vegan and animal activist would find that totally acceptable and would agree with a cheery smile, i have no clue...silly chick!

So i  thought about it for awhile and i even decided to research it...i just couldn't live with that as being the only option? And I've always believed that where there is a will, there is a way.

Thankfully i found it, something that would make that icky chicky put here sock in her mouth...Immunocontraception ....YAY, it's my new fav happy word!

Immunocontraception is a birth control method that uses the body's immune response to prevent pregnancy. ...and it's been used in deer and horses and is even used at the zoo!

But then you have to think about it...why is there over populating, could it may be that they've taken all the predators away? Or maybe even kept them at a minimal?

It's bad enough that we took their land where they used to live and created some form of apartheid where they get sectioned off, but now we are controlling how big there family can be, and by forcefully removing the quantity's of extra cousins by death?

That's sick!

So sorry bos manatjies keep your rifles at bay because if you kill an animal and hide behind the idea of population control - sorry we all know, you will still be a murderer....

Population control, pish....this act should be taken into account for humans....there's so many of us that we are ruining the planet and eating all our resources..so we're starving now....

Human population control - does it still sounds fair to use a rifle? You decide

Speak to you all tomorrow!

Kindness and Hope


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